
Queenscliff Lonsdale Yacht Club


Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Welcome to the QLYC Membership page!

If you want to register for a Sailpass (Day by Day membership) please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the relevant button
- New Member or Returning Member - to proceed to Sailpass registration.

If you are interested in the benefits of full club membership, please acquaint yourself with the various classes of club membership below and then proceed to the relevant button
- New Member or Returning Member - at the bottom of the page to submit your application.

The following is a list of the current classes of Membership available at QLYC.

The list includes:
- the eligibility criteria;
- the annual fee and;
- a list of the benefits attached to each Membership class.


Annual Membership Fee - $225

Participate in competitive sailing with an Australian Sailing registration

Participate in social and on water activities

Receive monthly Commodore's Newsletter

Clubhouse / Deck - Private use

Key access

May apply for craft storage

Can attend General meetings and has voting rights

FAMILY 2 ADULTS plus children under 18 or full-time students under 25

Annual Membership Fee - $330

Participate in competitive sailing with an Australian Sailing registration

Participate in social and on water activities

Receive monthly Commodore's Newsletter

Clubhouse / Deck Private use

Key access 15 + years

May apply for craft storage

Can attend General meetings and has voting rights - one person 18 + years

JUNIOR - UNDER 18 years

Annual Membership Fee - $95

Participate in competitive sailing with an Australian Sailing registration

Participate in social and on water activities

Receive monthly Commodore's Newsletter

May apply for craft storage

Key access 16 + years

STUDENT - UNDER 25 years - Full-time Student under 25 years

Annual Membership Fee - $95

Participate in competitive sailing with an Australian Sailing registration

Participate in social and on water activities

Receive monthly Commodore's Newsletter

Clubhouse / Deck Private use

Key access

Apply for craft storage

Can attend General meetings and has voting rights

CORPORATE - Organisations with marine focus and objectives compatible with those of the club

Organisation must have insurance cover for the activities pursued

Annual Membership Fee - PRICE ON REQUEST

Participate in social and on water activities

Receive monthly Commodore's Newsletter
Clubhouse / Deck Hire

Key access

May apply for craft storage

Can attend General meetings and has voting rights ( 1 vote per organisation)


Membership Application Process

The QLYC Purposes and Rules can be found HERE.

You are advised and encouraged to read the QLYC Purposes and Rules in order to make an informed decision about your application for membership of QLYC.

Completion of your membership application can only be effected if you agree to abide by the QLYC Purposes and Rules.

Once you have decided on the class of Membership you would like to apply for, click on the button below that applies to you - New Member or Returning Member - and follow the prompts to complete your application.


If you have been a member of our club (or any club) across Australia in the past few years, your details (including Australian Sailing Number) should be in our system. If you don't know your Australian Sailing Number, you can look it up here: AS Number Finder

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