BoM's Doppler wind radar, includes observations of temp, rain, wind (direction and km/h)
Here are the BoM's modelled map of predicted winds
and their official wind forecast (MetEye) for the bay in map form.
Here is Willy Weather's prediction for the Annulus together with wind record from South Channel Fort.
NOTE: If this link doesn't work on a device using Safari, it should work using Google Chrome or it may require cookies to be enabled.
Here is a graph of actual winds at South Channel Fort And current weather at the Cruising Yacht Club. 
And the BoM's forecast for the Bay
BoM's "detailed forecast" for Queenscliff
BoM's rain radar BoM's barometric charts next 4 days
The Beaufort Scale ('coarse sailors' version)
Further information on weather broadcasts in Victoria (from Transport Safety) is here. (Select "Radio Weather Services").
Click on this link for information about the tidal streams at Port Phillip Heads.
Be aware that the tidal stream is different to high or low tide forecasts. Tidal streams indicate the direction and strength of the tidal flow.
Tidal conditions have a big influence on the water based activities of our club.
Competitive sailing is strongly influenced by tidal streams. In light winds the tidal streams can have more influence than the wind on strategy and results.
The tide and tidal streams will also affect paddlers and off the beach sailors in accessing the water from shore, and also may limit navigable waters.
High tide at the heads is usually 2 hours ahead of high tide at the club on Swan Bay, and a better reading of the tide at the club can be made from forecasts for Wilson Spit (see below).
A reasonable approximation of the timing of high and low tides at the clubhouse is Wilson Spit but alternative sites may be found on the BoM site .