Ever wanted to learn about Couta Boats and how to sail them?
Mark Postlethwaite, (QLYC Member, owner and skipper of Gina) is offering to show you around ....
"Many people are interested but don’t think they have sufficient skill or knowledge to get started. This was also my thinking early on, although I had the motivation of owning a boat. Consequently, I have begun developing a training program for Couta Boat newbies which I would like to discuss further. While I don’t consider myself an “experienced sailor” yet, I do know what it’s like to be a complete novice and what has been valuable for me to learn and what would have been great to understand/experience before crewing in a race, Mark said.
The general structure of this training program is a few hour’s introduction to sailing and the idiosyncrasies of Couta boats followed by an afternoon of crewing a Couta boat and doing some basic skill drills under instruction "
"This course may be beneficial and provide a level of confidence for new Couta boat sailors as well as more experienced sailors who have never sailed this type of boat."
If you are intersted in finding out more about this course contact:
Mob: 0408 085 144